This test series is specially designed for students who want to enhance their preperation for NEET by appearing in MOCK tests or Partial syllabus Tests.
Both options of MOCK Test (Full syllabus Tests) and Partial syllabus tests will be provided to the students. They can choose anyone of both according to their requirment and existing level of preperation for NEET.
Both the test series will end upto 3 May 2024. Schedule of both test sereis is available at Helix reception.
12th Appeared/Passed Students
26th March, 2024
Upto NEET-2024
OFFLINE as well as ONLINE in pdf mode
In case if you pay using Credit card, Debit Card, Net Banking then payment receipt will be generated on the spot. After successful payment, do not close the window. Receipt will appear on screen and one copy of the same will also be sent to your email given to us in the form.
If you have used UPI payment method then receipt will be generated after 24 to 48 hours of realization of payment in our account. The same will be sent to you on your email.